Friday, May 21, 2010

The PEI Guardian misleads people on Sunday shopping in Nova Scotia

I can not believe this article," Sunday shopping policy only keeps the debate alive ".
"So how has Ghiz government handled this hot potato? In spite of a legislative committee's recommendation that government get out of the business of regulating Sunday shopping, in spite of a Supreme Court of Nova Scotia ruling that struck down a ban on Sunday shopping in that province, the Ghiz government came up with a hybrid approach"

It's one thing to give an opinion and another to mislead people on what happened here in Nova Scotia. So many people are being mislead that the courts struck down Sunday shopping in Nova Scotia. According to Maureen MacDonald which is currently minister of Health in Nova Scotia, "Mr. Speaker, but certainly their position added to the confusion and perpetuated the idea that somehow the courts had struck down Sunday shopping in our province. That simply did not occur."

If that doesn't convince you the court decision should!
"Well, what this application is about is not about social or political considerations. It’s not about the appropriateness of Sunday shopping, nor is it about the power of the legislature to pass an Act dealing with Sunday shopping. This case, this application is about one fact and it is about the scope of the Cabinet’s power to pass Regulations pursuant to the Act."
If you need to be convinced check out Mark Parent former MLA environment and labour minister for the Rodney MacDonald government. He comes clean on Sunday shopping in four parts.
An excellent way of ending the debate in Prince Edward Island is to ban Sunday shopping all year around. With Regis and Kelly coming to visit Prince Edward Island, it would be a good selling point to offer Americans a place to go and get away from the rat race. Americans don't come to the Maritimes to shop. They come to see our scenery.
I love that comment "lets stop regulating Sunday shopping, but it's ok to regulate everything else". We regulate a minimum wage, Holiday pay , Holiday closures etc. Heaven forbid if we continue with this line of thinking. A province that is without laws. Can society function without laws? Think about it. If we continue to tag along with these so called 'do what we want, when we want', small income earners will continue to suffer. As I pointed out in a similar article," Why the Sunday shopping ban has to be reinstated in Nova Scotia" we are all different. We don't expect letter carriers to work on Sundays but we expect retail workers to. Why belittle people because they have different views? We don't do it with the blacks, We don't do it with the gays. Retail workers deserve to be treated better. Be leaders PEI, you have that chance for the world to see Prince Edward Island for a place to come and relax and get away from the rat race.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Ghiz says no to year-round Sunday shopping

Ghiz says no to year-round Sunday shopping

Recent news out of Prince Edward Island is a small victory for Mothers and Fathers of the province , Ghiz says no to year-round Sunday shopping . Can you imagine another premier refusing to tag along with the rest of the country? I would be so proud to call myself an Islander, to have a premier stick to his principals not to allow year around Sunday shopping in Prince Edward Island. It would be even better if he banned Sunday shopping all together.Comments from the Guardian web site in PEI " wonder if those people screaming for some stores to stay shuttered on Sunday would agree that fast food joints, family restaurants, the library, tourist areas, gas stations, video rental places etc also remain closed. Those are the places most people go to on Sundays - even those who want other stores closed. By the way even clergy work on Sunday. "

I have always loved these arguments and if you take notice these comments are never directed at the millions of people that are off on Sundays and that use these services on Sundays. Do letter carriers or our MLA's feel guilty because other people work on Sundays? Should bank employees work on Sundays because ministers do? Should we all be French because some people speak French? Should we all be gay because some people are gay? We are all different! Why should other people that do not work in retail decide whether stores open or not? Let's get real! How is this even considered a democracy when it's all one sided? Can we decide when letter carriers, bank employees, MLA's, Premier, Mayor's etc work on Sundays?? We have a long way to go in this society if we continue punishing retail workers for something they don't want and that's Sunday shopping. Congratulations Premier Ghiz for saying no. The next step is to ban Sunday shopping all together. Be leaders Premier Ghiz, don't punish people because they are different.