Thursday, July 28, 2011

Response to Valerie's article Sunday Shopping 5 Years Later

In case you haven't read,"Valerie Payn's" article in the Chronicle Herald, the story can be found here titled "Sunday Shopping 5 Years Later" . She speaks about change and how we are scared of change and how good it was for Nova Scotia. She's got to be kidding! This is a quote by Valerie Payn " Given that per capita expenditure (adjusted for inflation) has not increased it appears also that the opportunity to shop an extra day has not driven people to purchase what they don’t need any more than they did before, they can just do it at a time that is more convenient to them."

We have told the good people of Nova Scotia, that there would not be any extra money by opening another day of the week. Valerie has admitted that this is the case. I really do not get it that change so she calls it, is good for her members. It's an extra cost of opening their stores on another day. This so called "change" has cost employers an extra day of costs. I'm speaking about wages & lights.

Costs are also passed down to us the consumers. Business' won't absorb the costs, it's passed down to all of us. Should we like change, when it has cost us so much?

She sure has stirred up a hornets nest. I came across this article titled " Valerie Payn’s piss pot". The issue then went on radio, Mark Parent a Former cabinet minister for the Rodney MacDonald government speaks with Rick Howe , be sure to listen to his interview with him here.

One caller called in to Rick Howe's show and made the comment that Tim Horton employee's , Restaurants , Call centers etc all had to work on Sundays, how is it any different? I have always hated that comparison. This argument was used by the Chamber of Commerce several times to gain sympathy for their cause. It's comparing people who chose to work on Sundays verses those who did not chose to work on Sundays. It's like expecting letter carriers to work on Sundays, because church ministers do. Really think about it! How many comparisons were used to all those millions of you that are already off on Sundays?

Having said that, I think the proper thing to do is let these employees that work in Tim Hortons etc decide whether they want to have Sundays as a day of rest or not? If they do not want to work on Sundays, I would like to suggest to them, why not lobby you're legislative members. I personally would stand with you and speak out with you. If our letter carriers and MLA's have Sundays off, surely these people who pay taxes and vote should have that right if they want it.

As the debate heated up , I also had the opportunity to speak with Rick Howe on News 95.7 FM, click here for my interview with Rick. I sure appreciate Rick allowing us to get our point across, though I still wish I had more time to speak with Nova Scotians about what we have lost.

Can we go back? Why can't we? I have a hard time understanding why people seem to buy into this crap and at the same time over 8,000 people in a facebook group are pushing for a one family day in February. One family day, when we can have 52 of them. Remember our government lied to us and broke the law. As citizens of the province of Nova Scotia, it's up to us to hold the government accountable. Let's make a stand! Let's do what's right! The Chamber of Commerce hasn't come clean on what the government has done to us. Why?