It's been a year since,I have published on this blog. You can view most of our posts by going to the Save Our Sundays Facebook page. Last year we went to Walmart in the city just before Christmas Eve and on the way in , I noticed that Walmart had a sign up closing at 8 pm on Christmas Eve. This broke my heart to think a company could be so heartless opening their stores up past 5 pm.
This year Walmart was under a lot of pressure and they decided to close their stores at 6 pm instead of 8 pm. This still isn't going to satisfy me or any of the workers who have to work this late. Even when the store is closed, it's an hour before everyone leaves to go home. If you attend a church service, many churches do have earlier services. Being open this late stops their employee's attending a service if they want to go. Setting the religion aspect aside , not everyone attends a service and celebrates it as a holiday and are home with their families. It's not a religious issue,when all levels of government are home on Christmas Eve and New Years Eve. When we want stores open we don't use the phrase Happy Holidays, we then call it a Christian holiday as an excuse to open up the stores to shoppers. How convenient it is to direct these comments at retail workers and no one else. I spoke about Christmas Eve and New Years Eve in a local paper.
Give Retail workers a break for once Click to enlarge LETTER TO THE EDITOR
I also had the opportunity to speak on Country 100.7 FM and CKBW FM about closing stores on Christmas Eve and New Years Eve at 4 pm .
Communication is so important, we do not do enough of it in the retail sector. How often have you heard that we are treated like third class citizens? If we do not tell the public or the companies who we work for that this isn't except able, they will continue to treat us this way. On December 22, 2017 I had the opportunity to speak on The Rick Howe show !
Response To Closing Early On Christmas Eve Dec 22 2017
Today, I went live on Facebook, so please listen to what I have to say and please sign our petition and share it. Let's make retail a happy experience for workers, time off, a better living wage etc. To make good changes , speak out and get involved. May you have a Happy New Year and a healthy and prosperous one!
Tony Lohnes
@Sundayshopping Twitter