Thursday, December 10, 2009

Proposal to change Sunday shopping hours in Winnipeg

I can remember back in 2004 before the plebiscite on Sunday shopping ,we were told that we were the last province in Nova Scotia to have Sunday shopping. Needless to say, Prince Edward Island was also being fed that same exact line by the media, which promotes business. After all, who advertises with them? It's something we all should be thinking about.In Winnipeg, the Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce is pushing the government to loosen up the laws on Sunday shopping. The store hours are limited on Sunday and they are being told when they have to close?
Related story click here -
One has to wonder why is it any business of the Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce to decide when stores should open? Are they open on Sunday? Can retail staff decide when the Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce can have their family day? Most important to note is who is backing the Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce? Really think about it. Isn't it being pushed by big business?
All you hear is about the money that is being lost and the guilt trip being put on the general public to accept this nonsense. Millions have been spent by business using our media to convince you that Sunday shopping is the best thing to hit this nation. Deciding when one sector can open or close? How is this a democracy when you can decide when retail workers have their family day? Can they decide when yours is? Lets think about this ! NO would be the answer that comes to mind.
Let's not forget the environment, you only hear the media promote it for big business! We don't hear them promoting store closures on Sunday. Why not? Look at the cars that wouldn't be driving a extra day! Look at the lights that would be off in all these business' if stores were closed. Our media is not getting paid to promote the environment or they would be suggesting store closures on Sunday. You cannot believe everything you watch on TV. Take for instance the war over in Iraq. Remember the weapons of mass destruction? Where are the weapons of mass destruction? When money is involved you can bet one thing. Family life is not being promoted. Our environment is not being promoted. Come on Canada wake up , we are being lead down the drain. The love of money is the root of all evils. Since Sunday shopping was introduced or should I say forced down our throats, nothing has gotten any better in Nova Scotia or anywhere else in this country. Wake up Canada!!

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