Sunday shopping has passed it's third reading to allow Sunday shopping all year on PEI. Speaker Kathleen Casey broke the tie to allow Sunday shopping all year around. Last week, P.E.I. MLAs also split their vote on the proposed changes to the Retail Business Holidays Act with 13 MLAs voting for the bill and 13 MLAs voting against the bill.
How sad that elected officials decided what was best for retail workers on PEI. Olive Crane did not consult Islanders who worked in these stores, but took it upon her self to bring a private members bill to the legislature. Robert Ghiz, the premier could have decided to leave this issue alone, but let it go to a free vote in the legislature.
What's real upsetting to see it was actually one person's decision that will change PEI for ever unless the laws are reversed.
Why should one person decide what's best for retail workers? Kathleen Casey and MLA's who supported her made a decision for other people who don't want any part of Sunday shopping.
What's wrong with this picture folks? Shouldn't retail workers be consulted? Why are government officials along with big business dictating to retail workers what to do on the traditional day of rest? Employee's who work hard to serve you each and every day. Employee's that pay taxes and employee's who vote for our legislative members .But they had no say, retail workers were belittled for what they believe in .
Is it any wonder why so many people give up in voting? In Nova Scotia our politicians went as far to break the law and ignore a binding plebiscite. And to blame the courts for it. The vote wasn't honored in Nova Scotia. Prince Edward Island wouldn't even give it's citizens a chance to respond to this issue. It was rushed through the legislature within one week. A lot of issues are brought through the legislature and never rushed through the degree that this issue was. No wonder people do not want to vote any more. We have our politicians who don't consult people and those who break laws running this country. Let's work to make PEI and N.S a better place. Tell two of you're friends about our site and ask them to tell two other people. Let's keep the chain of truth moving. The truth will set us all free and at the end of the day, we'll all feel good for it.
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