Monday, September 7, 2015

Let's keep all stores closed on Holidays

I'll tell you why?
I recently read an article on the Toronto Sun that upset me to no end. I know everyone is entitled to an opinion, but so am I. My comments weren't published on the Toronto's Suns web site.

My comments that weren't published.
"Wow the same BS that was used to get Sunday shopping in??? Play one occupation off against another to get what you want. Just because Joe buys a new car , doesn't mean that Sue has to do the same. There are millions of people off on Sundays and Holidays and I'm sure they are not made to feel guilty because other people work them. We do not put down letter carriers for being off. Good Lord, trying to make people feel guilty for using power?? Power is an essential service hello??There are people who chose these professions to work these shifts . Retail workers did not. How many people who are off, go to a convenience store on a Sunday or a holiday that are off?? And not all of them are retail workers, millions of people who are already off. I'm not one of them who goes to a corner store. This is propaganda for big business who is pushing for stores to be open 24/7. Just a special note to retail workers, you might get double time and think you got the world by the balls, but when a holiday becomes a normal day, you'll lose all those benefits that you get to work them in the first place. These business's control the media and are well trained to suck you all in. It's pathetic, we except gays, blacks, and other types of people because they are different, yet...we expect retail workers to be slaves. Close the stores down on Sundays too, wake up people, these people are trying to brainwash you with this shit. "
A quote from his article " McEwan asks, “Whose business is it for the government to tell me I can’t open? It is none of their business.
Seriously, we have a government to look out for us and it's none of there business? Do we have blind folds on that we can not realize that government's already tell business owners what to do? Does the minimum wage ring a bell? Telling a business how to spend their money is telling them what to do ( That employee's earned for them) .As a matter of fact it's going on all over the world, a push for a living wage & a higher minimum wage. How about telling an employer they have to pay you holiday pay for staying home on Christmas, Canada Day etc? That's telling a business owner what to do.  This propaganda BS is being feed to the people all the time, and yet you all buy it. Hello? Isn't it time we realize that these corporations are running the show? Controlling the media? Comments like people lining up to get double time on a holiday. Are we blinded that we can not see through the fog banks? What's going to happen if this comes a reality in all Canadian provinces? If a Holiday becomes a normal day, how long do you think they'll want to pay you double time? Seriously are we starting to wake up? Look at the perks these guys used to get you to work on Sundays. I have to hand it big business, little by little they bring things in and after awhile people forget. Our government is being controlled by the corporations , family life is already suffering with having stores closed on Sundays.
"If you are one of those people insisting that capitalism can wait a day and that life is not all about business, you will show yourself to be a hypocrite unless you sit at home all day with the lights off on Labour Day.
Don’t go to a movie, a concert or play because you will be forcing unfortunate theatre employees to work on a holiday, collecting extra pay. Same thing with restaurants; don’t eat out."
As a matter of fact sir, I do not go to a movie and I do not go to a restaurant. Having lights on?? Since when is power not essential? I'm happy that this was brought up in his article. Why shouldn't restaurant and movie workers have the
holiday off too? Since when is it essential to go to a movie or a restaurant on a holiday? I remember when the Sunday shopping debate was in full swing in Nova Scotia. I was told by a boss that other people had to work Sundays, and that I should have too.
I was compared to restaurant workers, call center employee's and the list goes on. Seriously, who's fault is it that these other occupations are working on Sundays and Holidays? It's the governments fault for allowing it, and not giving them equal opportunity to
have the same time off. Can't these other occupations lobby and petition governments to have Holidays and Sundays off? Yes they can but no one in the mainstream media dare to mention it. Shh !
 At that point in time, there was a debate going on about the gays and same sex marriage. I remember all the people defending them for being who they are and for being different. Then I got to thinking, what about us? What about retail workers? Just because one occupation works on Sundays and holidays, doesn't mean another should have to? We don't condemn letter carriers for being off or attacking the dentist because he's off on a Sunday or a holiday. Yet we expect low
income earners to work these shifts because we are bored and addicted to shopping. Consumers love to charge up their credit cards and add more debit on to their income. Yet we wonder why society is suffering the way that it is. Families no longer have time to be together and now we want to add on to that burden...seriously..take the holidays from them as well?  I would love to know if JERRY AGAR is taking his own advice and working on all these holidays as well?
A free country has to have restrictions, so that others have the freedoms to enjoy what most Canadians already enjoy, our holidays. Let's bring back Sunday closure's as well, I know it's telling the business owner what to do. Big deal , the government

tells us what to do all the time, corporations are no different. Happy Labor day ! 

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