Monday, February 15, 2010

Why the Sunday shopping ban has to be reinstated in Nova Scotia?

It's been a few years since we had the Sunday shopping plebiscite in 2004. I sure wish I would have known what I know now about the issue and why the ban should be reinstated without any questions. I guess the best way to address this to the public is start from the beginning step by step.
I can remember before the plebiscite the premier at the time was John Hamm and he was under considerable pressure to open stores on Sundays. He was getting it from tourism and the Chamber of Commerce. Poll after poll was introduced to us on TV and in our newspapers and radio. Would you like to have Sunday shopping? Yes or No? Despite the polls and the claims by the media that the majority of Nova Scotians wanted Sunday shopping, we went to the polls in a plebiscite to decide whether or not to have Sunday shopping.
The majority of Nova Scotians voted No with 55% and 45% voting yes. In my view, the majority never wanted Sunday shopping and the plebiscite showed us this. Leading up to the plebiscite, the yes side lead a good campaign and they used several arguments to guilt people into supporting their position. One of their arguments was that other people work on Sundays such as hospitals, restaurants, call centers etc. Why are retail workers so special? This was hammered over and over to the public. Most of the public bought into that argument and they felt guilty that other occupations had to work so why not retail workers? Why are retail workers treated special?
I have to hand it to big business because a lot of people fell for that line. Has anyone ever wondered why the Chamber of Commerce never compared those who work Sundays to letter carriers for example? Letter carriers and millions of other people don't work on Sundays and they were never ever compared to those who work on Sundays. Aren't we all different ? Don't we have different views? It's sad that retail workers were pounded to death by this nonsense that family day can be any day and to down grade them for believing that Sundays are for families. In Quebec we have French speaking people and they are different. Are we going to get rid of the French because they speak a different language? Are we going to take away Gay rights because they have a different view?
The fact is, we are all different and to make retail workers feel guilty because they have a different opinion is pathetic. We don't make letter carriers feel guilty because they are off on Sundays, not to mention Saturdays as well, yet this was done to retail workers over and over.
Another fantastic argument being used was that we can not tell a business owner when they can open or close. Again the general public bought into the fact that business owners have the right to open when they want to. It's interesting that we all have laws to abide by but business owners should be able to do what they want at someone else's expense. Letter carriers have different views and they are off on Sundays (and Saturdays as well). It's not a terrible thing to be against Sunday shopping. It's not a terrible thing to have a different view.
Having said this, should we do away with the minimum wage? Should we do away with holiday pay and vacation pay? All these things are regulated by our government. They tell business owners how to spend their own money. If we can tell business owners how to spend their money, we can tell them when to close. Folks, there seriously isn't a hell of a difference here is it? Aren't we telling business owners what to do? Yet again we are pounded to death over and over and the guilt pours on and on with the media pounding this to death. Are we all that gullible that we honestly think business owners should have the freedom to do this and that when ever they want to?
Seriously we wouldn't have a law left in this county, if we all used the "Freedom excuse" and allowed business owners to what they wanted when they wanted to.
Another argument that was used on the public was about students wanting to work on Sundays and for those who want extra hours. It's rather amusing that this argument was used and directed at retail. What about those people who may want to deliver mail on Sundays? Again the comparison was never made to other occupations that are off on Sundays.
But what's real frustrating was a democratic vote that was held in 2004 and it was ignored by all political parties. Rodney MacDonald our former premier took it upon himself to blame the poor judge for opening the doors to Sunday shopping.
Link to court web site :
Fact is this wasn't the case and hence we have Sunday shopping. What was really troubling was to think that our media remained silent about it. You would think that this was major news and that as citizens of this province, we would be good enough to hear the truth. There was only one media source, that I was aware of that put it to print. I congratulate the former newspaper the "Daily News" for printing the truth about the issue.
I guess many of you are now aware of our MLA's spending tax payers money that could have been used for other essential things . At a time when we are expected to pay higher taxes, our politicians are filling their pockets. Most of the population in Nova Scotia remained silent about Sunday shopping and now we have MLA's spending our tax dollars. If we continue remaining silent about these kinds of issues our province will continue it's slippery slop. We have to get involved if we want changes to happen.
I really love this line that the media used on everyone and for the most part alot of people bought into it. " Once we have Sunday shopping we can never go back".
Last I checked we live in a democracy and if it is the will and the way of the people we can go back to the good old days of "No Sunday shopping". Are we that gullible to actually believe that we can't go back? Since when do we live in a communist country? I know there are skeptics who will point at the plebiscite and tell me that democracy in this case was ignored. Ok yes it was, but how many people protested the lies by our government and the cover up by the media? If we do not start holding our politicians accountable, they will continue to ignore public votes and rob us all blind.
Take for instance this article about healing yourself and comparing it to Sunday shopping.
I think we can learn a lesson in comparison to the Sunday shopping issue. Following the crowd is the way alot of people go even if it's not the right path to follow.
"Crowd psychology tells us that people tend to follow whatever the crowd is doing for no reason other than the fact the crowd is doing it. The human mind figures, "Well, if the crowd is doing that, there must be a good reason for it," and so people just go along with practically anything as long the crowd supports it."
That quote is from the above link and if you really think about it, this is the case with this issue.
You do not have to look any further when you hear them talk about saving the environment. I can see line ups of people that bought these environment friendly bags to save the environment while stores are open seven days and nights including Sundays. Hello?? How can we as a province buy into all this nonsense? These stores are open another day with their lights on, plus we are encouraging more traffic on our roads another day. Again the media remains silent because of those who advertise with them would get ticked off. It's a terrible circle and if we do not fight to stop the commercial ring we will lose it all. Holidays will be next on the chopping block.

There are rumors circulating that if you do not work on Sunday, your hours will be cut. I'm hoping that this isn't the case, but having said that, this isn't the first time it was mentioned. This is another reason why this issue should be brought up again. It's not fair to have employee's living in fear because they do not want to work on Sundays. Can you imagine even though it is a law protecting employees from this, that they still live in fear? And this is the 21st century? As a province and a nation we have a long way to go. What bothers me most is the way retail staff were bullied into excepting something they never believed in. Those of us who care about our families have to start speaking up . Together we all can make a difference. Remaining silent will never help us.