Saturday, October 23, 2010

My response to the Minister of Labour in Nova Scotia

On June 28, 2010 I decided to send an email to Darrell Dexter our premier. In response Marilyn More responds to me in this emailJuly 27, 2010Tony LohnesDear Mr. Lohnes:Thank you for your email of June 28, 2010, to Premier Dexter and others. As I am the Minister responsible for the Labour Standards Code and the Retail Business Designated Day Closing Act, the Premier asked that I respond on his behalf.As I communicated to you last summer, we believe that the issue of Sunday shopping has been resolved in a balanced way. As you know, the Labour Standards Code gives many retail workers the right to refuse Sunday work (and work on designated retail closing days). Any workers who believe that they have been retaliated against because they exercised this right should contact our Labour Standards Division. Since the right to refuse Sunday work was introduced in 2006, there have been no complaints of violations. As you may be aware, the right to refuse Sunday work is unique to retail workers - all other workers must be available on Sundays if scheduled by the employer.I recognize that you, and others, do not agree with Sunday shopping. However, it has been established in Nova Scotia since 2006, and we do not intend to change that.Thank you for bringing your concerns to our attention.Sincerely,Marilyn MoreMinistercc Honourable Darrell Dexter, Premier (062910022) "
I then decided I had to respond to the minister with these comments in an email August 31, 2010

Dear Marilyn,First off I'm really disappointed that the Premier could not take some time to respond to my email. How I miss the old days when John Hamm was Premier of this province. He actually found time for me and responded to some of my emails. But not Darrell Dexter.You claim this issue has been resolved in balanced way!I know a few workers who were forced to work on Sunday. Firstly, they were made to feel guilty because management has to work on Sundays. Secondly, they were threatened that their hours would be cut if they didn't work on Sundays. Fear and guilt is hardly a choice.Some of them made calls to labour standards including me, to hear about their rights. They were told that they had the right to refuse to work on Sundays and couldn't be retaliated against. We were also told that the issue isn't Black and White that the company may have other reasons to cut hours. After hearing that kind of comment from labour Standards I have to ask you the minister responsible for labour standards, Do you think we are stupid??Do you think a company that wants to pressure their workers to work on Sundays are going to admit that they are cutting hours or punishing them for that reason? No wonder there aren't any complaints in this province. I can not get over a party that claims to be for families, to allow what's going on here.As for the comment that retail workers are unique because we can refuse to work on Sundays upsets me.Our legislature doesn't sit on Saturdays or Sundays either. How unique is that?Should letter carriers and government workers work on Sunday because church ministers do?We did not ask for Sunday shopping in this province. We voted "NO" in a binding plebiscite. All parties chose to ignore a democratic vote. All parties decided to blame the poor judge for allowing Sunday shopping. Fact is, Rodney MacDonald sold us all out with support of this so called "party", that claims to be for today's families. will continue pressuring this government to make changes to the Sunday shopping laws. It's disappointing to see that this party is no different than any other party in this province. The government acted illegally.No wonder people don't want to vote in provincial elections.The Sunday shopping vote should be respected. This government has the chance to do it.
Tony Lohnes

As you can see in August an email was sent to the minister who is supposed to be responsible for labour standards. It's now October and no response from her office. A party that claims to be for our families has a strange way of showing it. Let's face it, we are all wired different. Does the minister responsible expect everyone to work on Sundays because some chose to? What's so unique about us being human beings is that we can accept one another for the way we are and what we believe in. To make people feel low about them selves because they have a different view is wrong. As Nova Scotians, we have the chance to speak out and be heard. When election time comes around lets remind this minister responsible for labour standards that this isn't a balanced approach and that we aren't as stupid as she may think. Her party while in opposition, acted illegally by supporting Rodney MacDonald's government. Politicians love people who forget.

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