Lift Sunday shopping restrictions you might ask? No we are not talking about Prince Edward Island being the last place to have restricted Sunday shopping. We're talking about Manitoba who also restricts Sunday shopping.
I sure wish the media would come clean that PEI is not the last place in Canada to have restricted Sunday shopping.
In Manitoba , they are going to allow Sunday shopping this year because Boxing day falls on Sunday.
Can anyone see beyond the fog bank or are we that taken in by the media? Are we so brainwashed that we cannot see what's real and what isn't any more? Boxing day sales can be made the following day. Are we that addicted to shopping that we can not give employee's two days off to be with their families?
The biggest argument by the media to allow Sunday shopping is that we have no right to tell a business owner when to close. Why don't we? We can tell them how to spend their own money( that employee's earned for them) , but we can not tell them when to close. Doesn't the minimum wage ring a bell? How about Holiday pay and vacation pay? Our government legislates this too.
Do you remember the weapons of mass destruction that was supposed to be in Iraq? Over and over the media pushed this agenda so that we would all accept the fact that the Americans had a reason to invade. Sunday shopping is no different. Business owns the media and what's put on TV and radio is ran by them.
Life is not all about money. We are humans and we all need a balance in life. What may work for a doctor or a nurse for example may not work for a retail worker. We are not all the same, retail workers shouldn't be bullied because they chose not work on Sundays. As human beings we have a long way to go. Let's not be a monkey see monkey do country.
If you work in retail and you are reading this , don't let other people belittle you for wanting to be home on Sundays. Being human is to accept other people for what they are and being different. There has been a great deal pressure to accept Gays in our society and the French a nation within a nation. Why can't we accept the fact that just because some people work on Sundays, doesn't mean we all should have to.
Have you ever heard the term by the media that we're a multicultural society? I'd love to see a National vote on what day of rest you would prefer? Monday to Sunday.
I would vote for Sunday being that day because it was always that day. Some people think it should be Saturday and on Friday for example. Lets have a vote, this will be the determining factor on what day of rest it should be. I would love to see how this multicultural society votes. You can not always believe what you see on TV.
Boxing Day vs. Sunday Shopping
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