Thursday, December 10, 2009

German court enforces day of rest

Fantastic News, German Court Enforces Day of Rest. Isn't it about time? If we do not enforce a tax law no one would pay taxes. If we do not enforce holiday pay, business' would not pay out holiday pay. You have to have laws in a society to help those who cannot help themselves.In Germany, 16 states have already made some exceptions allowing stores to open a few Sundays a year, while ignoring the fact that Germany's constitution protects workers from working on Sundays and Holidays.
We applaud the Courts decision which will help those mothers and fathers who would be forced to work with stores open on Sundays. We can learn from the Germans who consider Sunday a day of rest.
Also for the most part, the media in Germany is supporting the recent courts decision to close stores on Sunday. Lets hope that other countries will follow Germany's lead. We have so much in society to offer. Let's offer a day of rest, to our own families and our own country.

Related links:

Berlin loses Xmas Sunday shopping

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