It's been a long time since I've written on my blog and I do apologize for it. Several of my video's can be found on the Save Our Sundays Facebook page and my You tube channel (Tony Lohnes). With a Federal election just a few days a way, I have sent emails and comments to some of the candidates. Not one of them has returned an email or an answer to me. Having said this, I have been very vocal and passionate about Sunday shopping. I'm certainly not going to apologize for it. Just because a majority might have changed their minds on the issue, it doesn't mean I have to give up. Having said that , I have spoken with several people off and on and given them my cards to the web sites. I'm very surprised that the people I have spoken with have agreed with me. I'm also speaking about Climate change, which is also an passionate issue with me. I can see it every day in our weather. Extreme storms, wells that never went dry, extreme heat, severe hurricanes, tornadoes, wild fires etc. Yes all of these come in cycles. But they are more severe than ever before. Scientists are telling us that we have 11 years to act. I'm also speaking out about store hours, stores that are open 24/7 with their lights on that burn fossil fuels. I went into box stores and the mall numerous of times to see no one shopping and employees twiddling with their thumbs and talking to one another. A plastic bag ban is coming to the province of Nova Scotia, but nothing is even mentioned about the lights that burn fossil fuels being on 24/7. Sunday shopping and other store hours are linked to climate change. It's not small peanuts, like one comment that was mentioned to me on line. Stores all across Canada and the USA and globally isn't small potatoes. No matter which side you are on...for climate justice or a climate denier, not one group or politician wants to touch this with a ten foot pole. Everything today is about money, we do not think about families any more or even care about them. Yes, I speaking about retail. The way we have had mental mind games played with each and everyone of us every day is despicable . I can remember the Sunday shopping debate before the plebiscite vote as it was yesterday. I can remember being told that burger king employees work on Sundays, Tim Horton employees work on Sundays. Well you get the picture. These employees were hired to work these shifts and so many employees at movie theaters are too. We often had comments from the mainstream media and companies that we all work for throw it up in our faces. Our government could have handled the whole issue differently. By going to these occupations and asking them or polling them if they would like to have Sundays off and it to be legislated by law giving them the day off. Instead of the mental mind games trying to make people feel guilty because others obviously have chosen to work these shifts. You have never seen comments like this for an example- Tim Horton workers work on Sundays, should letter carriers work on Sundays as well? I've have never seen polls on TV asking these questions have you? Corporations are strong , they have money backing them and they own the mainstream media. Everything is about money and nothing for our families. Double standards , we have lots of them. No one wants to discuss anything related to store hours . We are in an climate emergency. Picking and choosing is wrong. Anything that is causing all of these storms has to be stopped.
It's amazing if you do not go along with the crowd into days society, your an outcast. Your treated different. People walk away from you instead of having a conversation. For instance I have had comments that I have no time to shop, I need stores open on Sundays. I have always welcomed another opinion. I don't understand or comprehend how anyone could give me an excuse like that. Try going to your eye doctor, psychiatrist, regular doctor (not out patients), dentists , lawyers offices etc on a Saturday or a Sunday? Try getting that hammer from amazon on Saturday or Sundays? Regardless you get the picture, no one complains about not having time for essential services just stores being open with no one shopping and the lights glaring away. I can see people are addicted to shopping, whether they are in the stores day and night or not. We obviously have a serious problem. If you can not care about families and workers and how they are treated, how are you ever going to care about this planet? I have also been pushing and still am for stores to close on both Christmas Eve and New Years Eve at 4 pm. Extending hours with the lights on isn't helping with the climate crisis. Treating workers with inequality while other people are home isn't morally right. I do want to thank Rick Howe of News 95.7 FM that has had me on several times about this issue and other issues with Sunday shopping. CKBW Bridgewater has had me on to give my views on this issue. I spoke with Rick about stores being open day and night with the lights on and no comment from him or any of the listeners on the open hour. As a society, we are in denial. Addictions to shopping is contributing to climate change, mental and physical health of the workers in this beautiful province of Nova Scotia and coast to coast. I do want to thank people from listening to my point of view , whether they agree with my opinion or not. Being able to give an opinion is important. Not to be bashed or treated differently for doing so. We should all respect other people's opinions whether we agree with them or not. What bothers me is that I have not been on TV mainstream media to discuss my petition about Christmas Eve and New Years Eve. I have not been on about climate change , store hours and the lights that burn fossil fuels. Shouldn't you as a citizen of this province be given an opportunity to decide for yourself? Whether you agree with me or not? I have always laughed at this comment.... I don't like reading things from people trying to shove there views down my throat. Ok no one is shoving anything down your throat, you have your own mind...use it.
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