(by Mark Parent)
Also on ChronicleHerald.ca
Recently, the PEI Legislature voted to support Sunday shopping twelve months a year. The decision was close and was decided by the Speaker who, parting with tradition, broke the tie by voting for change rather than the status quo.
While I find such a decision distressing it is not unexpected due to two factors.
The first is the loss of concern for the wider community. In this case, the community in question is the community of retail workers who previously had enjoyed having Sunday off to be with their families. Retail workers are among the most vulnerable of all workers in our society. They have little power, low salaries and no union voice. One wonders what the result would have been if the vote had concerned having teachers work on Sunday.
The second, and more important fact, is that we have become a society which is centered on consumerism. Instead of homo erectus we are now homo consumis. We know the price of everything. We define ourselves by what we own and work ourselves into a frenzy of excitement in anticipation of our next purchase. So persuasive is our addition to buying and shopping that we now have companies that make their business decluttering our lives of things so that we may have space for more things!
Clearly, I find such behavior distasteful. I believe that the spirit decays when the chief goal of our life and our society is focused on shopping. My personal quibbles aside, though, there is a more persuasive reason why we must move away from an emphasis on consumption. Put simply our society, our world, cannot support such behavior. The Global Footprint organization has computed that if everyone on this planet lived at the lifestyle we North Americans do it would take several worlds to provide the materials to support such a lifestyle.
Little wonder that the Environment Minister in the country of India, Jairam Ramesh has warned his fellow citizens not to embrace the consumer model of Europe and North America. Indeed, he has even gone so far as to call people who drive large SUV vehicles in urban areas "criminal."
But in spite of such warnings and concerns we seem to be stuck in our destructive behavior. Witness President Obama’s solution to the recent financial crisis when he encouraged Americans to go out and shop. Like lemmings we rush headlong to the cliff edge or, better put, like shoppers searching for the latest bargain we crash the doors of the mall even if we have to trample over each other to get there.
PEI politicians could have and should have taken a small stance against consumerism. After all, our consumer behavior is in large part responsible for our addiction to fossil fuels which is the main cause of climate change and climate change threatens PEI’s very existence as a province with rising sea levels. Sadly, however, they did not.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Sunday shopping bill passes Third Reading in PEI
Sunday shopping has passed it's third reading to allow Sunday shopping all year on PEI. Speaker Kathleen Casey broke the tie to allow Sunday shopping all year around. Last week, P.E.I. MLAs also split their vote on the proposed changes to the Retail Business Holidays Act with 13 MLAs voting for the bill and 13 MLAs voting against the bill.
How sad that elected officials decided what was best for retail workers on PEI. Olive Crane did not consult Islanders who worked in these stores, but took it upon her self to bring a private members bill to the legislature. Robert Ghiz, the premier could have decided to leave this issue alone, but let it go to a free vote in the legislature.
What's real upsetting to see it was actually one person's decision that will change PEI for ever unless the laws are reversed.
Why should one person decide what's best for retail workers? Kathleen Casey and MLA's who supported her made a decision for other people who don't want any part of Sunday shopping.
What's wrong with this picture folks? Shouldn't retail workers be consulted? Why are government officials along with big business dictating to retail workers what to do on the traditional day of rest? Employee's who work hard to serve you each and every day. Employee's that pay taxes and employee's who vote for our legislative members .But they had no say, retail workers were belittled for what they believe in .
Is it any wonder why so many people give up in voting? In Nova Scotia our politicians went as far to break the law and ignore a binding plebiscite. And to blame the courts for it. The vote wasn't honored in Nova Scotia. Prince Edward Island wouldn't even give it's citizens a chance to respond to this issue. It was rushed through the legislature within one week. A lot of issues are brought through the legislature and never rushed through the degree that this issue was. No wonder people do not want to vote any more. We have our politicians who don't consult people and those who break laws running this country. Let's work to make PEI and N.S a better place. Tell two of you're friends about our site and ask them to tell two other people. Let's keep the chain of truth moving. The truth will set us all free and at the end of the day, we'll all feel good for it.
How sad that elected officials decided what was best for retail workers on PEI. Olive Crane did not consult Islanders who worked in these stores, but took it upon her self to bring a private members bill to the legislature. Robert Ghiz, the premier could have decided to leave this issue alone, but let it go to a free vote in the legislature.
What's real upsetting to see it was actually one person's decision that will change PEI for ever unless the laws are reversed.
Why should one person decide what's best for retail workers? Kathleen Casey and MLA's who supported her made a decision for other people who don't want any part of Sunday shopping.
What's wrong with this picture folks? Shouldn't retail workers be consulted? Why are government officials along with big business dictating to retail workers what to do on the traditional day of rest? Employee's who work hard to serve you each and every day. Employee's that pay taxes and employee's who vote for our legislative members .But they had no say, retail workers were belittled for what they believe in .
Is it any wonder why so many people give up in voting? In Nova Scotia our politicians went as far to break the law and ignore a binding plebiscite. And to blame the courts for it. The vote wasn't honored in Nova Scotia. Prince Edward Island wouldn't even give it's citizens a chance to respond to this issue. It was rushed through the legislature within one week. A lot of issues are brought through the legislature and never rushed through the degree that this issue was. No wonder people do not want to vote any more. We have our politicians who don't consult people and those who break laws running this country. Let's work to make PEI and N.S a better place. Tell two of you're friends about our site and ask them to tell two other people. Let's keep the chain of truth moving. The truth will set us all free and at the end of the day, we'll all feel good for it.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Prince Edward Island Sunday shopping law voted down
I have to be honest, that after reading the news on CBC Canada's last Sunday shopping law voted down ,I'm fuming over this decision because so many people in PEI have not had the opportunity to vote on it. Why did Robert Ghiz allow a free vote in the legislature and at the same time allow his own party members to vote on what they wanted to? If this would have been another issue, any MLA's who voted against the government would have been kicked out. Don't you think there were dirty deals going on behind the scenes?
It's quite obvious that the premier first of all did not keep his promise to keep the ban on Sunday shopping in PEI. His cowardly way out was to let MLA's decide what's best for those people in retail stores who would rather be home with there loved ones on Sundays.
Didn't you notice that there was a real rush to get stores opened all year around and without hearing back from Prince Edward Islanders?
Robert Ghiz and Olive Crane I'm sure were pressured by big business to get stores opened up on Sundays. They did not want a binding plebiscite in Prince Edward Island as they fear the same results would happen in Prince Edward Island like it did in Nova Scotia.
They are well aware of our site and the numbers are growing supporting Save Our Sundays. This is why they took it upon themselves to decide for other people who work for very little and now will be forced to work on Sundays. The question is, will we all forget what these politicians did to us? Politicians best friends are people who forget. Don't forget what your companies have done behind the scenes with these politicians and the media to boot. Retail workers were discriminated against by all levels. It saddens me to think that people are so addicted to these stores that they can not take one day a week for a break. We speak often about VLT's being an addiction, but nothing is ever mentioned about shopping.
It's a sad day and the one thing that was proven today is that our politicians don't have enough guts to stand up to big business. PEI is not the last province to have Sunday shopping, The media can not even report it truthfully.
No wonder people lost all interest in voting. Our politicians never keep their word. Robert Ghiz proved that all to us today!
Retail workers feel free to contact me at info(at)saveoursundays(dot)ca
An Act to Amend the Retail business Act Bill No 100 PEI legislature
It's quite obvious that the premier first of all did not keep his promise to keep the ban on Sunday shopping in PEI. His cowardly way out was to let MLA's decide what's best for those people in retail stores who would rather be home with there loved ones on Sundays.
Didn't you notice that there was a real rush to get stores opened all year around and without hearing back from Prince Edward Islanders?
Robert Ghiz and Olive Crane I'm sure were pressured by big business to get stores opened up on Sundays. They did not want a binding plebiscite in Prince Edward Island as they fear the same results would happen in Prince Edward Island like it did in Nova Scotia.
They are well aware of our site and the numbers are growing supporting Save Our Sundays. This is why they took it upon themselves to decide for other people who work for very little and now will be forced to work on Sundays. The question is, will we all forget what these politicians did to us? Politicians best friends are people who forget. Don't forget what your companies have done behind the scenes with these politicians and the media to boot. Retail workers were discriminated against by all levels. It saddens me to think that people are so addicted to these stores that they can not take one day a week for a break. We speak often about VLT's being an addiction, but nothing is ever mentioned about shopping.
It's a sad day and the one thing that was proven today is that our politicians don't have enough guts to stand up to big business. PEI is not the last province to have Sunday shopping, The media can not even report it truthfully.
No wonder people lost all interest in voting. Our politicians never keep their word. Robert Ghiz proved that all to us today!
Retail workers feel free to contact me at info(at)saveoursundays(dot)ca
An Act to Amend the Retail business Act Bill No 100 PEI legislature
Thursday, November 25, 2010
PEI Tories table an opposition bill to allow Sunday shopping year around in PEI
The PEI Tories table an opposition bill to allow Sunday shopping year around in PEI. Opposition leader Olive Crane plans to introduce a private members bill. Private members bills rarely pass into law. Tonight premier Robert Ghiz on an interview on ATV suggested that he may let this go to a vote in the legislature. It's really easy to pass the buck Mr. Premier isn't it? Didn't you promise Prince Edward Islanders no Sunday shopping for half a year? I've lost all faith in politicians because they rarely keep any promises. It figures, that a Tory (Olive Crane)would want to get stores open in PEI, as we had one here in Nova Scotia ( Rodney MacDonald that lied to all of us.)
How can other people make decisions on what suits other people? Retail workers clearly pointed out that they do not want year around Sunday shopping. I have to wonder what dirty deals are going on here? We had all kinds of dirty deals in Nova Scotia to allow Sunday shopping.
Folksl greed is hurting the little guy. How about speaking up to your premier! Those of you who are remaining silent are guilty as well. We do not treat the Blacks , Gays or French or straight people in a bad way. But we expect retail workers many of them making a minimum wage to work on Sundays even if they are against this and even if they don't believe in working on Sundays. Are we that brainwashed by the media that we can not see what's going on here? Retail workers are human beings and they are not being treated like human beings that have their own beliefs . Think about it people! How would you like it if these politicians were deciding what you do on Sundays?
Prince Edward Island's government gave Islanders a family day. How can a province turn around and take 26 Sunday's considered family days away? Gave them one and turn around and take 26 of them away.
What really gets me is the line being used by the media that PEI is the last place to have Sunday shopping. We were told that line in Nova Scotia. They are being told that line in Manitoba.
There's no Sunday shopping in Steinbach city . But we are told that PEI is the last place to have Sunday shopping. The media is being paid to convince you that Sunday shopping is the best thing to hit PEI.
One of Crane's comments and well rehearsed I'm sure is, "We're introducing this to give people a choice," the Progressive Conservative leader said. "This will be an option for businesses that want to be open on Sunday to be open on Sunday, like every other province.How many of you really believe that it's about choice? That retail workers won't be forced or bullied into working on Sundays? Can't you see beyond the fog bank?
These politicians are being pushed by business to allow them to be open on Sundays at the employee's expense. The same people who earned money for the employers to have them turn around and take there Sundays from them.
What do we have a government for? To collect all of our money so they can waste it? What about the minimum wage ? Should we do away with that law also? Don't be so gullible, the choice word is actually being used to take choice away from Mothers and Fathers who want to be home on Sundays with their children. We don't force letter carriers to work on Sundays because ministers do.
Don't let this government and the media convince you that you have to have Sunday shopping. Contact you're MLA and tell them No. While you are at it, ask them if the legislature is going to sit on Sundays?
How can other people make decisions on what suits other people? Retail workers clearly pointed out that they do not want year around Sunday shopping. I have to wonder what dirty deals are going on here? We had all kinds of dirty deals in Nova Scotia to allow Sunday shopping.
Folksl greed is hurting the little guy. How about speaking up to your premier! Those of you who are remaining silent are guilty as well. We do not treat the Blacks , Gays or French or straight people in a bad way. But we expect retail workers many of them making a minimum wage to work on Sundays even if they are against this and even if they don't believe in working on Sundays. Are we that brainwashed by the media that we can not see what's going on here? Retail workers are human beings and they are not being treated like human beings that have their own beliefs . Think about it people! How would you like it if these politicians were deciding what you do on Sundays?
Prince Edward Island's government gave Islanders a family day. How can a province turn around and take 26 Sunday's considered family days away? Gave them one and turn around and take 26 of them away.
What really gets me is the line being used by the media that PEI is the last place to have Sunday shopping. We were told that line in Nova Scotia. They are being told that line in Manitoba.
There's no Sunday shopping in Steinbach city . But we are told that PEI is the last place to have Sunday shopping. The media is being paid to convince you that Sunday shopping is the best thing to hit PEI.
One of Crane's comments and well rehearsed I'm sure is, "We're introducing this to give people a choice," the Progressive Conservative leader said. "This will be an option for businesses that want to be open on Sunday to be open on Sunday, like every other province.How many of you really believe that it's about choice? That retail workers won't be forced or bullied into working on Sundays? Can't you see beyond the fog bank?
These politicians are being pushed by business to allow them to be open on Sundays at the employee's expense. The same people who earned money for the employers to have them turn around and take there Sundays from them.
What do we have a government for? To collect all of our money so they can waste it? What about the minimum wage ? Should we do away with that law also? Don't be so gullible, the choice word is actually being used to take choice away from Mothers and Fathers who want to be home on Sundays with their children. We don't force letter carriers to work on Sundays because ministers do.
Don't let this government and the media convince you that you have to have Sunday shopping. Contact you're MLA and tell them No. While you are at it, ask them if the legislature is going to sit on Sundays?
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Lift Sunday shopping restrictions
Lift Sunday shopping restrictions you might ask? No we are not talking about Prince Edward Island being the last place to have restricted Sunday shopping. We're talking about Manitoba who also restricts Sunday shopping.
I sure wish the media would come clean that PEI is not the last place in Canada to have restricted Sunday shopping.
In Manitoba , they are going to allow Sunday shopping this year because Boxing day falls on Sunday.
Can anyone see beyond the fog bank or are we that taken in by the media? Are we so brainwashed that we cannot see what's real and what isn't any more? Boxing day sales can be made the following day. Are we that addicted to shopping that we can not give employee's two days off to be with their families?
The biggest argument by the media to allow Sunday shopping is that we have no right to tell a business owner when to close. Why don't we? We can tell them how to spend their own money( that employee's earned for them) , but we can not tell them when to close. Doesn't the minimum wage ring a bell? How about Holiday pay and vacation pay? Our government legislates this too.
Do you remember the weapons of mass destruction that was supposed to be in Iraq? Over and over the media pushed this agenda so that we would all accept the fact that the Americans had a reason to invade. Sunday shopping is no different. Business owns the media and what's put on TV and radio is ran by them.
Life is not all about money. We are humans and we all need a balance in life. What may work for a doctor or a nurse for example may not work for a retail worker. We are not all the same, retail workers shouldn't be bullied because they chose not work on Sundays. As human beings we have a long way to go. Let's not be a monkey see monkey do country.
If you work in retail and you are reading this , don't let other people belittle you for wanting to be home on Sundays. Being human is to accept other people for what they are and being different. There has been a great deal pressure to accept Gays in our society and the French a nation within a nation. Why can't we accept the fact that just because some people work on Sundays, doesn't mean we all should have to.
Have you ever heard the term by the media that we're a multicultural society? I'd love to see a National vote on what day of rest you would prefer? Monday to Sunday.
I would vote for Sunday being that day because it was always that day. Some people think it should be Saturday and on Friday for example. Lets have a vote, this will be the determining factor on what day of rest it should be. I would love to see how this multicultural society votes. You can not always believe what you see on TV.
Boxing Day vs. Sunday Shopping
I sure wish the media would come clean that PEI is not the last place in Canada to have restricted Sunday shopping.
In Manitoba , they are going to allow Sunday shopping this year because Boxing day falls on Sunday.
Can anyone see beyond the fog bank or are we that taken in by the media? Are we so brainwashed that we cannot see what's real and what isn't any more? Boxing day sales can be made the following day. Are we that addicted to shopping that we can not give employee's two days off to be with their families?
The biggest argument by the media to allow Sunday shopping is that we have no right to tell a business owner when to close. Why don't we? We can tell them how to spend their own money( that employee's earned for them) , but we can not tell them when to close. Doesn't the minimum wage ring a bell? How about Holiday pay and vacation pay? Our government legislates this too.
Do you remember the weapons of mass destruction that was supposed to be in Iraq? Over and over the media pushed this agenda so that we would all accept the fact that the Americans had a reason to invade. Sunday shopping is no different. Business owns the media and what's put on TV and radio is ran by them.
Life is not all about money. We are humans and we all need a balance in life. What may work for a doctor or a nurse for example may not work for a retail worker. We are not all the same, retail workers shouldn't be bullied because they chose not work on Sundays. As human beings we have a long way to go. Let's not be a monkey see monkey do country.
If you work in retail and you are reading this , don't let other people belittle you for wanting to be home on Sundays. Being human is to accept other people for what they are and being different. There has been a great deal pressure to accept Gays in our society and the French a nation within a nation. Why can't we accept the fact that just because some people work on Sundays, doesn't mean we all should have to.
Have you ever heard the term by the media that we're a multicultural society? I'd love to see a National vote on what day of rest you would prefer? Monday to Sunday.
I would vote for Sunday being that day because it was always that day. Some people think it should be Saturday and on Friday for example. Lets have a vote, this will be the determining factor on what day of rest it should be. I would love to see how this multicultural society votes. You can not always believe what you see on TV.
Boxing Day vs. Sunday Shopping
Saturday, October 23, 2010
My response to the Minister of Labour in Nova Scotia
On June 28, 2010 I decided to send an email to Darrell Dexter our premier. In response Marilyn More responds to me in this emailJuly 27, 2010Tony LohnesDear Mr. Lohnes:Thank you for your email of June 28, 2010, to Premier Dexter and others. As I am the Minister responsible for the Labour Standards Code and the Retail Business Designated Day Closing Act, the Premier asked that I respond on his behalf.As I communicated to you last summer, we believe that the issue of Sunday shopping has been resolved in a balanced way. As you know, the Labour Standards Code gives many retail workers the right to refuse Sunday work (and work on designated retail closing days). Any workers who believe that they have been retaliated against because they exercised this right should contact our Labour Standards Division. Since the right to refuse Sunday work was introduced in 2006, there have been no complaints of violations. As you may be aware, the right to refuse Sunday work is unique to retail workers - all other workers must be available on Sundays if scheduled by the employer.I recognize that you, and others, do not agree with Sunday shopping. However, it has been established in Nova Scotia since 2006, and we do not intend to change that.Thank you for bringing your concerns to our attention.Sincerely,Marilyn MoreMinistercc Honourable Darrell Dexter, Premier (062910022) "
I then decided I had to respond to the minister with these comments in an email August 31, 2010
Dear Marilyn,First off I'm really disappointed that the Premier could not take some time to respond to my email. How I miss the old days when John Hamm was Premier of this province. He actually found time for me and responded to some of my emails. But not Darrell Dexter.You claim this issue has been resolved in balanced way!I know a few workers who were forced to work on Sunday. Firstly, they were made to feel guilty because management has to work on Sundays. Secondly, they were threatened that their hours would be cut if they didn't work on Sundays. Fear and guilt is hardly a choice.Some of them made calls to labour standards including me, to hear about their rights. They were told that they had the right to refuse to work on Sundays and couldn't be retaliated against. We were also told that the issue isn't Black and White that the company may have other reasons to cut hours. After hearing that kind of comment from labour Standards I have to ask you the minister responsible for labour standards, Do you think we are stupid??Do you think a company that wants to pressure their workers to work on Sundays are going to admit that they are cutting hours or punishing them for that reason? No wonder there aren't any complaints in this province. I can not get over a party that claims to be for families, to allow what's going on here.As for the comment that retail workers are unique because we can refuse to work on Sundays upsets me.Our legislature doesn't sit on Saturdays or Sundays either. How unique is that?Should letter carriers and government workers work on Sunday because church ministers do?We did not ask for Sunday shopping in this province. We voted "NO" in a binding plebiscite. All parties chose to ignore a democratic vote. All parties decided to blame the poor judge for allowing Sunday shopping. Fact is, Rodney MacDonald sold us all out with support of this so called "party", that claims to be for today's families.http://www.saveoursundays.ca/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=186We will continue pressuring this government to make changes to the Sunday shopping laws. It's disappointing to see that this party is no different than any other party in this province. The government acted illegally.No wonder people don't want to vote in provincial elections.The Sunday shopping vote should be respected. This government has the chance to do it.
Tony Lohnes
As you can see in August an email was sent to the minister who is supposed to be responsible for labour standards. It's now October and no response from her office. A party that claims to be for our families has a strange way of showing it. Let's face it, we are all wired different. Does the minister responsible expect everyone to work on Sundays because some chose to? What's so unique about us being human beings is that we can accept one another for the way we are and what we believe in. To make people feel low about them selves because they have a different view is wrong. As Nova Scotians, we have the chance to speak out and be heard. When election time comes around lets remind this minister responsible for labour standards that this isn't a balanced approach and that we aren't as stupid as she may think. Her party while in opposition, acted illegally by supporting Rodney MacDonald's government. Politicians love people who forget.
I then decided I had to respond to the minister with these comments in an email August 31, 2010
Dear Marilyn,First off I'm really disappointed that the Premier could not take some time to respond to my email. How I miss the old days when John Hamm was Premier of this province. He actually found time for me and responded to some of my emails. But not Darrell Dexter.You claim this issue has been resolved in balanced way!I know a few workers who were forced to work on Sunday. Firstly, they were made to feel guilty because management has to work on Sundays. Secondly, they were threatened that their hours would be cut if they didn't work on Sundays. Fear and guilt is hardly a choice.Some of them made calls to labour standards including me, to hear about their rights. They were told that they had the right to refuse to work on Sundays and couldn't be retaliated against. We were also told that the issue isn't Black and White that the company may have other reasons to cut hours. After hearing that kind of comment from labour Standards I have to ask you the minister responsible for labour standards, Do you think we are stupid??Do you think a company that wants to pressure their workers to work on Sundays are going to admit that they are cutting hours or punishing them for that reason? No wonder there aren't any complaints in this province. I can not get over a party that claims to be for families, to allow what's going on here.As for the comment that retail workers are unique because we can refuse to work on Sundays upsets me.Our legislature doesn't sit on Saturdays or Sundays either. How unique is that?Should letter carriers and government workers work on Sunday because church ministers do?We did not ask for Sunday shopping in this province. We voted "NO" in a binding plebiscite. All parties chose to ignore a democratic vote. All parties decided to blame the poor judge for allowing Sunday shopping. Fact is, Rodney MacDonald sold us all out with support of this so called "party", that claims to be for today's families.http://www.saveoursundays.ca/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=186We will continue pressuring this government to make changes to the Sunday shopping laws. It's disappointing to see that this party is no different than any other party in this province. The government acted illegally.No wonder people don't want to vote in provincial elections.The Sunday shopping vote should be respected. This government has the chance to do it.
Tony Lohnes
As you can see in August an email was sent to the minister who is supposed to be responsible for labour standards. It's now October and no response from her office. A party that claims to be for our families has a strange way of showing it. Let's face it, we are all wired different. Does the minister responsible expect everyone to work on Sundays because some chose to? What's so unique about us being human beings is that we can accept one another for the way we are and what we believe in. To make people feel low about them selves because they have a different view is wrong. As Nova Scotians, we have the chance to speak out and be heard. When election time comes around lets remind this minister responsible for labour standards that this isn't a balanced approach and that we aren't as stupid as she may think. Her party while in opposition, acted illegally by supporting Rodney MacDonald's government. Politicians love people who forget.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Tom's Youngs Afternoon show is one sided
I do not know how many of you tune into Tom Young's Afternoon news on 95.7FM. On my way to the city, a topic caught my attention and as usual I have always tuned into talk shows. Wednesday, Oct 13th was the day that Tom Young decided to have Holiday shopping as a topic.
I couldn't believe it, some of the callers were talking about Sunday shopping. Funny how the topic police disappeared when it was to the advantage of Tom Young.
He then invited all of us to send his comments or call in for today's show. This is the email I sent to Tom Young.
"Good afternoon to you Tom,
I could not help but email you since you were on the rampage again about business owners being able to open when they want to.
I have to ask you who runs this country? Business or government? What do we have a government for? To spend and waste our money Tom is that it?
I'll be happy to tell you what we have a government for. It's to make laws and to protect people who can not protect themselves. We have a minimum wage don't we Tom? Aren't we telling business owners what to do with their own money? ( that employee's made for them)
According to your logic we shouldn't let the government dictate as to when a business can close but we can tell them how to spend their money. Funny how you want stores open on Holidays also Tom. Bets are you aren't complaining about taking home holiday pay on those holidays that we do not have a talk shows to listen to. Yet you expect retail workers to be there to serve Tom Young because he is off. Business' are also told by law to pay employee's vacation pay. Again government can tell a business owner how to spend their money but we can not tell them when to close because Tom Young doesn't like it.
Tom we have milk regulation & gas regulation in Nova Scotia. Should a business owner be allowed to charge what they want for milk or gas? Isn't the government telling the poor business owner what to do? It's no different than telling them when to close.
Tom, It's sad that the provincial government will protect small gas station owners with gas regulation, yet on the other hand opened the doors to wide open Sunday shopping that has hurt the local corner stores.
Tom why don't you come clean and be fair on tomorrow's afternoon show on 95.7FM. Give out our web site and let people make that decision whether or not to support Sunday shopping. Do you remember Mark Parent?? Mark has come clean on Sunday shopping and has admitted that the courts did not strike down Sunday shopping.
Don't you think the listeners should know the truth that we had a binding plebiscite and that the courts did not strike down Sunday shopping? The Nova Scotia government acted illegally with the support of the opposition parties. A democratic vote was ignored and pushed into the closet. A politician's best friend is our poor memories , hoping that we will all forget the lies.
Tom lets say for example that you are Gay...does that mean everyone should be gay? Ministers work on Sundays, does that mean that letter carriers should work also? We are all different Tom. It shouldn't be your decision or anyone else's to make. Let the retail sector decide what's best for us.
You have also spoken about retail protection. The old workers should have the right to refuse to work on Sundays while you claim the new ones should have to work. Odd how choice isn't in Tom Young's vocabulary here is it? Yet you advocate the right for the owner to open when he wants. But no choice for new employees. Tom new employee's do have that choice in Nova Scotia. Old and new.
I will never approve of Sunday or Holiday shopping because I know retail workers are being forced to work on Sundays.
Management will use the guilt trip at the workers expense by reminding them that they have to work on Sundays and that they should take a turn also. Fear is also used against an employee that he or she may have their hours cut if they do not want to work on Sundays.
Even with the law, the only way is to ban shopping one day a week for this to work. I go in to detail here .
Until we get evening talk shows and Saturday and Sundays with yours truly Tom Young, you have nothing to talk about.
Tony Lohnes
Save Our Sundays
After listening to Tom Young yesterday I have come to this conclusion. He is only willing to let people hear his point of view. Several parts of my email were left out of what he actually read on the air. He then went on and stated this wasn't about Sunday shopping but Holiday shopping. When I tuned in his radio talk show on both accounts, Sunday shopping was being discussed. It was OK for those people who wanted Sunday shopping but for those against it, including myself most of my comments were ignored. He did not mention that Mark Parent has come clean on the issue. Surely an ex cabinet minister for the Rodney MacDonald government would be news? But hey we all know who runs these radio stations. I'll give you a hint " big business". Our web site wasn't mentioned...because the station wouldn't want to tick off those advertisers.
If the general public wants to look at an issue from all sides do it on line. Trust me in telling you that a lot of my comments were left out and not put on air over the years. Tom Young is real ignorant to the fact that he did not allow the public to view our site and form there own conclusions.
One of Tom Young's famous comments that the "owners should be allowed to open when they want to". We can tell them how to spend there own money but we can not tell them when to close. I'm not brainwashed on this issue like so many Canadians are on the issue. Let's face it, if you do not hear the other side, you don't hear the other view point. This is what Tom Young has set out to accomplish. I have to question who is the force behind Tom Young's point of view? Is it big business?
I also want to comment about those people who work shift work and pointed out that stores should be open also. Why? We are all different, we did not vote for Sunday shopping or Holiday shopping. We are all different. We are not all gay, we are not all French..we are all different in our own unique ways. People like Tom Young will never make me feel guilty for feeling that way. He won't even acknowledge his callers by there full name. Sad that these talk shows are all one sided.
Tony Lohnes
Save Our Sundays
Monday, October 4, 2010
Don't kid yourself...retail workers are pressured to work on Sundays
It's been awhile since I have written an article. Sometimes we just keep putting things off. After reading this article today Colville Walmart sued over Mormon assistant manager's Sunday work . It's about time that I get with the program and start writing.
In Nova Scotia, since Sunday shopping was shoved down our throats, I personally have heard from some workers about being forced to work on Sundays.
So many Nova Scotians thought with the protection and the right to refuse to work on Sundays everything would be OK. Some retail workers called the labor board to ask about their rights. I was one of them and this is what they told me. You can refuse to work on Sundays and they can not retaliate against you for refusing. She then went on to say that an employer may have other reasons for cutting hours.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that a business would never admit openly to pressuring an employee to work on Sundays.
The only way to protect retail workers and managers is to out and out ban Sunday shopping. I just love those comments like " you can never go back". Since we live in a democracy a law can go either way. It's a stupid statement to make that we can not go back, because we can.
We all have our beliefs as to what's right and what's wrong. I'd personally be willing to support a binding plebiscite or a referendum that would close stores and all non essential services one day a week. Does it have to be on Sunday? No it doesn't . The problem here is that all religions can not seem to agree what the day of rest should be. Why not hold a democratic vote? Pick you're day ( Monday - Sunday).
Having said that we had a binding plebiscite in 2004 and our government acted illegally. I just cannot imagine why we are remaining silent about this? We were all made fools of. To have another vote of any kind and any other issue the government would be held accountable. Can you imagine if we broke a law? Sounds like a jail term or a high fine. But we sit back and allow our political parties to get away with it.
If a democratic vote means nothing and our families mean nothing, what's left?
While religions go back and forth on what day it should be, families in the meanwhile are suffering with guilt and fear. Guilt is used against an employee by using other co-workers and management against them. " I have to work on Sunday, what's wrong with you taking a turn?" Fear is also used on employees. Some employers may threaten to cut employee's hours for refusing to work on Sundays. No wonder retail workers have a complex. No one is there to stick up for them. No one is there to defend them.
Comparing retail workers to other occupations working on Sundays is a farce. We do not expect letter carriers to work on Sundays like ministers do? At the end of the day our families need time to spend together no matter what day it is. Let's have that one common day to spend together. We set aside Christmas Day, Labour Day, Canada day etc, so why not one day for our families?
And yes I will admit I'd vote for Sunday to be that day as it was always that day that Nova Scotians once valued and loved.
In Nova Scotia, since Sunday shopping was shoved down our throats, I personally have heard from some workers about being forced to work on Sundays.
So many Nova Scotians thought with the protection and the right to refuse to work on Sundays everything would be OK. Some retail workers called the labor board to ask about their rights. I was one of them and this is what they told me. You can refuse to work on Sundays and they can not retaliate against you for refusing. She then went on to say that an employer may have other reasons for cutting hours.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that a business would never admit openly to pressuring an employee to work on Sundays.
The only way to protect retail workers and managers is to out and out ban Sunday shopping. I just love those comments like " you can never go back". Since we live in a democracy a law can go either way. It's a stupid statement to make that we can not go back, because we can.
We all have our beliefs as to what's right and what's wrong. I'd personally be willing to support a binding plebiscite or a referendum that would close stores and all non essential services one day a week. Does it have to be on Sunday? No it doesn't . The problem here is that all religions can not seem to agree what the day of rest should be. Why not hold a democratic vote? Pick you're day ( Monday - Sunday).
Having said that we had a binding plebiscite in 2004 and our government acted illegally. I just cannot imagine why we are remaining silent about this? We were all made fools of. To have another vote of any kind and any other issue the government would be held accountable. Can you imagine if we broke a law? Sounds like a jail term or a high fine. But we sit back and allow our political parties to get away with it.
If a democratic vote means nothing and our families mean nothing, what's left?
While religions go back and forth on what day it should be, families in the meanwhile are suffering with guilt and fear. Guilt is used against an employee by using other co-workers and management against them. " I have to work on Sunday, what's wrong with you taking a turn?" Fear is also used on employees. Some employers may threaten to cut employee's hours for refusing to work on Sundays. No wonder retail workers have a complex. No one is there to stick up for them. No one is there to defend them.
Comparing retail workers to other occupations working on Sundays is a farce. We do not expect letter carriers to work on Sundays like ministers do? At the end of the day our families need time to spend together no matter what day it is. Let's have that one common day to spend together. We set aside Christmas Day, Labour Day, Canada day etc, so why not one day for our families?
And yes I will admit I'd vote for Sunday to be that day as it was always that day that Nova Scotians once valued and loved.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Was the Nova Scotia Plebiscite on Sunday shopping binding?
Was the Nova Scotia Plebiscite on Sunday shopping binding?
Plus an email response from Honorable Charlie Parker, Speaker of the Nova Scotia House of Assembly regarding the court decision.
In 2004 as many of you are well aware, we had a vote on Sunday shopping. So many people were confused as the media did not broadcast whether it was binding or not. On this web site it's clearly quoted " In 2004, Nova Scotia held a non-binding plebiscite on whether to allow Sunday shopping. The result was a slight victory for the No side although the government went ahead and legalized Sunday Shopping the following year after a court decision overturned the law."
Since there was so much confusion about the decision, I decided to send an email to Honourable Charlie Parker, Speaker of the Nova Scotia House of Assembly.
Charlie Parkers response,
The following is a response to your e-mail of April 9, 2010 by the Honorable Charlie Parker, Speaker of the Nova Scotia House of Assembly:
April 14, 2010
Dear Tony,
Thank you for your e-mail of April 9, 2010 regarding Sunday shopping. Your query was whether the October 2004 plebiscite was a binding one. It was at the time. Fully open Sunday shopping was rejected except for a pre-Christmas period. I might point out, however, that the legislation which controlled Sunday shopping at that time - the Retail Uniform Closing Day Act, had by memory, over 25 exemptions allowing certain types or sizes of businesses to be open on Sundays.
Sunday shopping restrictions were opposed by certain businesses in 2006. As the result of a court case wherein the judge sided with the arguments advanced on behalf of the businesses, Sunday shopping restrictions were effectively rendered a nulllity in Nova Scotia.
The Legislature passed a new Act entitled The Retail Business Designated Closing Day Act in 2007 which, along with the Remembrance Day Act, protects certain holidays (and thus restricts business opening on those days) but does not restrict Sunday store opening.
Thank you again for getting in touch.
Charlie ParkerSpeaker
Charlie Parker was correct in telling us that the Sunday shopping plebiscite was binding and it's clearly noted on the Nova Scotia government web site. However Charlie Parker is not being truthful by making claims that the courts struck down Sunday shopping. Maureen MacDonald, our current health minister, while in opposition made these comments regarding the Plebiscite.
MS. MAUREEN MACDONALD spoke at the Legislature on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2006 "Mr. Speaker, but certainly their position added to the confusion and perpetuated the idea that somehow the courts had struck down Sunday shopping in our province. That simply did not occur."
Mark Parent has also confirmed to us that the courts never struck down Sunday shopping.
On the courts web site it clearly states, "Well, what this application is about is not about social or political considerations. It’s not about the appropriateness of Sunday shopping, nor is it about the power of the legislature to pass an Act dealing with Sunday shopping. This case, this application is about one fact and it is about the scope of the Cabinet’s power to pass Regulations pursuant to the Act."
All this information was sent to Charlie Parker and he hasn't responded to our email. So our next question is "Did the government act illegally"?
Yes, in my opinion, all parties in our legislature let us all down and broke the law. A binding plebiscite means that the government must abide by the results. No where did the Judge open the doors to Sunday shopping. How sad it is that all parties ignored a democratic vote!!! But what can we expect from them considering the spending scandal and the amounts of money that was stolen from the taxpayer. Seriously, to continue to remain silent about a democratic vote that was binding isn't the right thing to do. As taxpayers and citizens of this province, we have to hold these people accountable. Think about it! What's next? What will we have a public vote on that will be ignored if the governing party doesn't like it? The Pandora box is open and the good people of this province have allowed this to happen.
Did you know our MLA's get to enjoy all their week-ends off and all of the holidays? But retail workers are made to feel guilty because other people work on Sundays. However, our politicians don't and they make a lot more money than those minimum wage earners do.
To make a major difference we all must continue to be vocal. So why not take that first step and contact our local MLAs and the premier and tell them to reinstate the Sunday shopping ban. After all, the Sunday shopping ban was not struck down and the government acted illegally.
The Nova Scotia government should set up a program to support our families and business through out the province. Encourage a balance between work and family time. Why not praise employers who offer their staff a balance in life? Giving them that time to be together. Seven day week shopping is ruining the province. The UK is headed on the right track - Top Employers for Working Families.
I'm very disappointed with Charlie Parker and every member in the legislature. Our families should be at the top of their list not at the bottom of it.
Link to Keep Sundays special check it out
Friday, May 21, 2010
The PEI Guardian misleads people on Sunday shopping in Nova Scotia
I can not believe this article," Sunday shopping policy only keeps the debate alive ".
"So how has Ghiz government handled this hot potato? In spite of a legislative committee's recommendation that government get out of the business of regulating Sunday shopping, in spite of a Supreme Court of Nova Scotia ruling that struck down a ban on Sunday shopping in that province, the Ghiz government came up with a hybrid approach"
It's one thing to give an opinion and another to mislead people on what happened here in Nova Scotia. So many people are being mislead that the courts struck down Sunday shopping in Nova Scotia. According to Maureen MacDonald which is currently minister of Health in Nova Scotia, "Mr. Speaker, but certainly their position added to the confusion and perpetuated the idea that somehow the courts had struck down Sunday shopping in our province. That simply did not occur."
If that doesn't convince you the court decision should!
"Well, what this application is about is not about social or political considerations. It’s not about the appropriateness of Sunday shopping, nor is it about the power of the legislature to pass an Act dealing with Sunday shopping. This case, this application is about one fact and it is about the scope of the Cabinet’s power to pass Regulations pursuant to the Act."
If you need to be convinced check out Mark Parent former MLA environment and labour minister for the Rodney MacDonald government. He comes clean on Sunday shopping in four parts.
An excellent way of ending the debate in Prince Edward Island is to ban Sunday shopping all year around. With Regis and Kelly coming to visit Prince Edward Island, it would be a good selling point to offer Americans a place to go and get away from the rat race. Americans don't come to the Maritimes to shop. They come to see our scenery.
I love that comment "lets stop regulating Sunday shopping, but it's ok to regulate everything else". We regulate a minimum wage, Holiday pay , Holiday closures etc. Heaven forbid if we continue with this line of thinking. A province that is without laws. Can society function without laws? Think about it. If we continue to tag along with these so called 'do what we want, when we want', small income earners will continue to suffer. As I pointed out in a similar article," Why the Sunday shopping ban has to be reinstated in Nova Scotia" we are all different. We don't expect letter carriers to work on Sundays but we expect retail workers to. Why belittle people because they have different views? We don't do it with the blacks, We don't do it with the gays. Retail workers deserve to be treated better. Be leaders PEI, you have that chance for the world to see Prince Edward Island for a place to come and relax and get away from the rat race.
"So how has Ghiz government handled this hot potato? In spite of a legislative committee's recommendation that government get out of the business of regulating Sunday shopping, in spite of a Supreme Court of Nova Scotia ruling that struck down a ban on Sunday shopping in that province, the Ghiz government came up with a hybrid approach"
It's one thing to give an opinion and another to mislead people on what happened here in Nova Scotia. So many people are being mislead that the courts struck down Sunday shopping in Nova Scotia. According to Maureen MacDonald which is currently minister of Health in Nova Scotia, "Mr. Speaker, but certainly their position added to the confusion and perpetuated the idea that somehow the courts had struck down Sunday shopping in our province. That simply did not occur."
If that doesn't convince you the court decision should!
"Well, what this application is about is not about social or political considerations. It’s not about the appropriateness of Sunday shopping, nor is it about the power of the legislature to pass an Act dealing with Sunday shopping. This case, this application is about one fact and it is about the scope of the Cabinet’s power to pass Regulations pursuant to the Act."
If you need to be convinced check out Mark Parent former MLA environment and labour minister for the Rodney MacDonald government. He comes clean on Sunday shopping in four parts.
An excellent way of ending the debate in Prince Edward Island is to ban Sunday shopping all year around. With Regis and Kelly coming to visit Prince Edward Island, it would be a good selling point to offer Americans a place to go and get away from the rat race. Americans don't come to the Maritimes to shop. They come to see our scenery.
I love that comment "lets stop regulating Sunday shopping, but it's ok to regulate everything else". We regulate a minimum wage, Holiday pay , Holiday closures etc. Heaven forbid if we continue with this line of thinking. A province that is without laws. Can society function without laws? Think about it. If we continue to tag along with these so called 'do what we want, when we want', small income earners will continue to suffer. As I pointed out in a similar article," Why the Sunday shopping ban has to be reinstated in Nova Scotia" we are all different. We don't expect letter carriers to work on Sundays but we expect retail workers to. Why belittle people because they have different views? We don't do it with the blacks, We don't do it with the gays. Retail workers deserve to be treated better. Be leaders PEI, you have that chance for the world to see Prince Edward Island for a place to come and relax and get away from the rat race.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Ghiz says no to year-round Sunday shopping
Ghiz says no to year-round Sunday shopping
Recent news out of Prince Edward Island is a small victory for Mothers and Fathers of the province , Ghiz says no to year-round Sunday shopping . Can you imagine another premier refusing to tag along with the rest of the country? I would be so proud to call myself an Islander, to have a premier stick to his principals not to allow year around Sunday shopping in Prince Edward Island. It would be even better if he banned Sunday shopping all together.Comments from the Guardian web site in PEI " wonder if those people screaming for some stores to stay shuttered on Sunday would agree that fast food joints, family restaurants, the library, tourist areas, gas stations, video rental places etc also remain closed. Those are the places most people go to on Sundays - even those who want other stores closed. By the way even clergy work on Sunday. "
I have always loved these arguments and if you take notice these comments are never directed at the millions of people that are off on Sundays and that use these services on Sundays. Do letter carriers or our MLA's feel guilty because other people work on Sundays? Should bank employees work on Sundays because ministers do? Should we all be French because some people speak French? Should we all be gay because some people are gay? We are all different! Why should other people that do not work in retail decide whether stores open or not? Let's get real! How is this even considered a democracy when it's all one sided? Can we decide when letter carriers, bank employees, MLA's, Premier, Mayor's etc work on Sundays?? We have a long way to go in this society if we continue punishing retail workers for something they don't want and that's Sunday shopping. Congratulations Premier Ghiz for saying no. The next step is to ban Sunday shopping all together. Be leaders Premier Ghiz, don't punish people because they are different.
Recent news out of Prince Edward Island is a small victory for Mothers and Fathers of the province , Ghiz says no to year-round Sunday shopping . Can you imagine another premier refusing to tag along with the rest of the country? I would be so proud to call myself an Islander, to have a premier stick to his principals not to allow year around Sunday shopping in Prince Edward Island. It would be even better if he banned Sunday shopping all together.Comments from the Guardian web site in PEI " wonder if those people screaming for some stores to stay shuttered on Sunday would agree that fast food joints, family restaurants, the library, tourist areas, gas stations, video rental places etc also remain closed. Those are the places most people go to on Sundays - even those who want other stores closed. By the way even clergy work on Sunday. "
I have always loved these arguments and if you take notice these comments are never directed at the millions of people that are off on Sundays and that use these services on Sundays. Do letter carriers or our MLA's feel guilty because other people work on Sundays? Should bank employees work on Sundays because ministers do? Should we all be French because some people speak French? Should we all be gay because some people are gay? We are all different! Why should other people that do not work in retail decide whether stores open or not? Let's get real! How is this even considered a democracy when it's all one sided? Can we decide when letter carriers, bank employees, MLA's, Premier, Mayor's etc work on Sundays?? We have a long way to go in this society if we continue punishing retail workers for something they don't want and that's Sunday shopping. Congratulations Premier Ghiz for saying no. The next step is to ban Sunday shopping all together. Be leaders Premier Ghiz, don't punish people because they are different.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Why the Sunday shopping ban has to be reinstated in Nova Scotia?
It's been a few years since we had the Sunday shopping plebiscite in 2004. I sure wish I would have known what I know now about the issue and why the ban should be reinstated without any questions. I guess the best way to address this to the public is start from the beginning step by step.
I can remember before the plebiscite the premier at the time was John Hamm and he was under considerable pressure to open stores on Sundays. He was getting it from tourism and the Chamber of Commerce. Poll after poll was introduced to us on TV and in our newspapers and radio. Would you like to have Sunday shopping? Yes or No? Despite the polls and the claims by the media that the majority of Nova Scotians wanted Sunday shopping, we went to the polls in a plebiscite to decide whether or not to have Sunday shopping.
I can remember before the plebiscite the premier at the time was John Hamm and he was under considerable pressure to open stores on Sundays. He was getting it from tourism and the Chamber of Commerce. Poll after poll was introduced to us on TV and in our newspapers and radio. Would you like to have Sunday shopping? Yes or No? Despite the polls and the claims by the media that the majority of Nova Scotians wanted Sunday shopping, we went to the polls in a plebiscite to decide whether or not to have Sunday shopping.
The majority of Nova Scotians voted No with 55% and 45% voting yes. In my view, the majority never wanted Sunday shopping and the plebiscite showed us this. Leading up to the plebiscite, the yes side lead a good campaign and they used several arguments to guilt people into supporting their position. One of their arguments was that other people work on Sundays such as hospitals, restaurants, call centers etc. Why are retail workers so special? This was hammered over and over to the public. Most of the public bought into that argument and they felt guilty that other occupations had to work so why not retail workers? Why are retail workers treated special?
I have to hand it to big business because a lot of people fell for that line. Has anyone ever wondered why the Chamber of Commerce never compared those who work Sundays to letter carriers for example? Letter carriers and millions of other people don't work on Sundays and they were never ever compared to those who work on Sundays. Aren't we all different ? Don't we have different views? It's sad that retail workers were pounded to death by this nonsense that family day can be any day and to down grade them for believing that Sundays are for families. In Quebec we have French speaking people and they are different. Are we going to get rid of the French because they speak a different language? Are we going to take away Gay rights because they have a different view?
The fact is, we are all different and to make retail workers feel guilty because they have a different opinion is pathetic. We don't make letter carriers feel guilty because they are off on Sundays, not to mention Saturdays as well, yet this was done to retail workers over and over.
Another fantastic argument being used was that we can not tell a business owner when they can open or close. Again the general public bought into the fact that business owners have the right to open when they want to. It's interesting that we all have laws to abide by but business owners should be able to do what they want at someone else's expense. Letter carriers have different views and they are off on Sundays (and Saturdays as well). It's not a terrible thing to be against Sunday shopping. It's not a terrible thing to have a different view.
Having said this, should we do away with the minimum wage? Should we do away with holiday pay and vacation pay? All these things are regulated by our government. They tell business owners how to spend their own money. If we can tell business owners how to spend their money, we can tell them when to close. Folks, there seriously isn't a hell of a difference here is it? Aren't we telling business owners what to do? Yet again we are pounded to death over and over and the guilt pours on and on with the media pounding this to death. Are we all that gullible that we honestly think business owners should have the freedom to do this and that when ever they want to?
Seriously we wouldn't have a law left in this county, if we all used the "Freedom excuse" and allowed business owners to what they wanted when they wanted to.
Another argument that was used on the public was about students wanting to work on Sundays and for those who want extra hours. It's rather amusing that this argument was used and directed at retail. What about those people who may want to deliver mail on Sundays? Again the comparison was never made to other occupations that are off on Sundays.
But what's real frustrating was a democratic vote that was held in 2004 and it was ignored by all political parties. Rodney MacDonald our former premier took it upon himself to blame the poor judge for opening the doors to Sunday shopping.
Link to court web site :http://www.saveoursundays.ca/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=65&mode=thread&order=0&thold=0
Fact is this wasn't the case and hence we have Sunday shopping. What was really troubling was to think that our media remained silent about it. You would think that this was major news and that as citizens of this province, we would be good enough to hear the truth. There was only one media source, that I was aware of that put it to print. I congratulate the former newspaper the "Daily News" for printing the truth about the issue.
I guess many of you are now aware of our MLA's spending tax payers money that could have been used for other essential things . At a time when we are expected to pay higher taxes, our politicians are filling their pockets. Most of the population in Nova Scotia remained silent about Sunday shopping and now we have MLA's spending our tax dollars. If we continue remaining silent about these kinds of issues our province will continue it's slippery slop. We have to get involved if we want changes to happen.
I really love this line that the media used on everyone and for the most part alot of people bought into it. " Once we have Sunday shopping we can never go back".
Last I checked we live in a democracy and if it is the will and the way of the people we can go back to the good old days of "No Sunday shopping". Are we that gullible to actually believe that we can't go back? Since when do we live in a communist country? I know there are skeptics who will point at the plebiscite and tell me that democracy in this case was ignored. Ok yes it was, but how many people protested the lies by our government and the cover up by the media? If we do not start holding our politicians accountable, they will continue to ignore public votes and rob us all blind.
Take for instance this article about healing yourself and comparing it to Sunday shopping.
I think we can learn a lesson in comparison to the Sunday shopping issue. Following the crowd is the way alot of people go even if it's not the right path to follow.
"Crowd psychology tells us that people tend to follow whatever the crowd is doing for no reason other than the fact the crowd is doing it. The human mind figures, "Well, if the crowd is doing that, there must be a good reason for it," and so people just go along with practically anything as long the crowd supports it."
That quote is from the above link and if you really think about it, this is the case with this issue.
You do not have to look any further when you hear them talk about saving the environment. I can see line ups of people that bought these environment friendly bags to save the environment while stores are open seven days and nights including Sundays. Hello?? How can we as a province buy into all this nonsense? These stores are open another day with their lights on, plus we are encouraging more traffic on our roads another day. Again the media remains silent because of those who advertise with them would get ticked off. It's a terrible circle and if we do not fight to stop the commercial ring we will lose it all. Holidays will be next on the chopping block.
There are rumors circulating that if you do not work on Sunday, your hours will be cut. I'm hoping that this isn't the case, but having said that, this isn't the first time it was mentioned. This is another reason why this issue should be brought up again. It's not fair to have employee's living in fear because they do not want to work on Sundays. Can you imagine even though it is a law protecting employees from this, that they still live in fear? And this is the 21st century? As a province and a nation we have a long way to go. What bothers me most is the way retail staff were bullied into excepting something they never believed in. Those of us who care about our families have to start speaking up . Together we all can make a difference. Remaining silent will never help us.
I have to hand it to big business because a lot of people fell for that line. Has anyone ever wondered why the Chamber of Commerce never compared those who work Sundays to letter carriers for example? Letter carriers and millions of other people don't work on Sundays and they were never ever compared to those who work on Sundays. Aren't we all different ? Don't we have different views? It's sad that retail workers were pounded to death by this nonsense that family day can be any day and to down grade them for believing that Sundays are for families. In Quebec we have French speaking people and they are different. Are we going to get rid of the French because they speak a different language? Are we going to take away Gay rights because they have a different view?
The fact is, we are all different and to make retail workers feel guilty because they have a different opinion is pathetic. We don't make letter carriers feel guilty because they are off on Sundays, not to mention Saturdays as well, yet this was done to retail workers over and over.
Another fantastic argument being used was that we can not tell a business owner when they can open or close. Again the general public bought into the fact that business owners have the right to open when they want to. It's interesting that we all have laws to abide by but business owners should be able to do what they want at someone else's expense. Letter carriers have different views and they are off on Sundays (and Saturdays as well). It's not a terrible thing to be against Sunday shopping. It's not a terrible thing to have a different view.
Having said this, should we do away with the minimum wage? Should we do away with holiday pay and vacation pay? All these things are regulated by our government. They tell business owners how to spend their own money. If we can tell business owners how to spend their money, we can tell them when to close. Folks, there seriously isn't a hell of a difference here is it? Aren't we telling business owners what to do? Yet again we are pounded to death over and over and the guilt pours on and on with the media pounding this to death. Are we all that gullible that we honestly think business owners should have the freedom to do this and that when ever they want to?
Seriously we wouldn't have a law left in this county, if we all used the "Freedom excuse" and allowed business owners to what they wanted when they wanted to.
Another argument that was used on the public was about students wanting to work on Sundays and for those who want extra hours. It's rather amusing that this argument was used and directed at retail. What about those people who may want to deliver mail on Sundays? Again the comparison was never made to other occupations that are off on Sundays.
But what's real frustrating was a democratic vote that was held in 2004 and it was ignored by all political parties. Rodney MacDonald our former premier took it upon himself to blame the poor judge for opening the doors to Sunday shopping.
Link to court web site :http://www.saveoursundays.ca/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=65&mode=thread&order=0&thold=0
Fact is this wasn't the case and hence we have Sunday shopping. What was really troubling was to think that our media remained silent about it. You would think that this was major news and that as citizens of this province, we would be good enough to hear the truth. There was only one media source, that I was aware of that put it to print. I congratulate the former newspaper the "Daily News" for printing the truth about the issue.
I guess many of you are now aware of our MLA's spending tax payers money that could have been used for other essential things . At a time when we are expected to pay higher taxes, our politicians are filling their pockets. Most of the population in Nova Scotia remained silent about Sunday shopping and now we have MLA's spending our tax dollars. If we continue remaining silent about these kinds of issues our province will continue it's slippery slop. We have to get involved if we want changes to happen.
I really love this line that the media used on everyone and for the most part alot of people bought into it. " Once we have Sunday shopping we can never go back".
Last I checked we live in a democracy and if it is the will and the way of the people we can go back to the good old days of "No Sunday shopping". Are we that gullible to actually believe that we can't go back? Since when do we live in a communist country? I know there are skeptics who will point at the plebiscite and tell me that democracy in this case was ignored. Ok yes it was, but how many people protested the lies by our government and the cover up by the media? If we do not start holding our politicians accountable, they will continue to ignore public votes and rob us all blind.
Take for instance this article about healing yourself and comparing it to Sunday shopping.
I think we can learn a lesson in comparison to the Sunday shopping issue. Following the crowd is the way alot of people go even if it's not the right path to follow.
"Crowd psychology tells us that people tend to follow whatever the crowd is doing for no reason other than the fact the crowd is doing it. The human mind figures, "Well, if the crowd is doing that, there must be a good reason for it," and so people just go along with practically anything as long the crowd supports it."
That quote is from the above link and if you really think about it, this is the case with this issue.
You do not have to look any further when you hear them talk about saving the environment. I can see line ups of people that bought these environment friendly bags to save the environment while stores are open seven days and nights including Sundays. Hello?? How can we as a province buy into all this nonsense? These stores are open another day with their lights on, plus we are encouraging more traffic on our roads another day. Again the media remains silent because of those who advertise with them would get ticked off. It's a terrible circle and if we do not fight to stop the commercial ring we will lose it all. Holidays will be next on the chopping block.
There are rumors circulating that if you do not work on Sunday, your hours will be cut. I'm hoping that this isn't the case, but having said that, this isn't the first time it was mentioned. This is another reason why this issue should be brought up again. It's not fair to have employee's living in fear because they do not want to work on Sundays. Can you imagine even though it is a law protecting employees from this, that they still live in fear? And this is the 21st century? As a province and a nation we have a long way to go. What bothers me most is the way retail staff were bullied into excepting something they never believed in. Those of us who care about our families have to start speaking up . Together we all can make a difference. Remaining silent will never help us.
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